Many women consider the prospect of breast surgery for aesthetic reasons at some point in their adult lives, and some men also have concerns about this area of their body as well. There are a wide variety of reasons for patients to explore the idea of having breast surgery.
Breast Surgery Overview
Some patients may choose surgical breast augmentation in order to reshape their breasts after dramatic weight loss or pregnancy. Others may opt for breast implants, or breast lift, or breast reduction surgery. The expertly trained professionals at Bronx Plastic Surgery are experienced in providing specialized care to each patient, assessing the best treatment plan for every individual. Depending on whether the surgery is medically necessary and also taking desired results into account, our board-certified surgeon will help you every step of the way of your journey, from consultation to surgery and beyond.
Breast Surgery Options
Dr. Robert Goldstein delivers the highest-quality medical care at two convenient Manhattan and Bronx locations. Dr. Goldstein is not only an expert in the field of cosmetic surgery but also experienced in getting patients the results they want. At Bronx Plastic Surgery, we work with you to develop a comprehensive plan for breast surgery treatment, offering services including financial support and surgery recovery to facilitate the best possible client experience for you while in our care. Contact the professionals at our practice today to begin your own personal consultation.
Choosing the Right Breast Procedure in the Bronx
During the initial consultation for a breast procedure, we will discuss how the patient feels about their breasts, and recommend the appropriate breast procedure tailored to achieve your desired result. Dr. Goldstein is an expert, trained in the latest advancements in enhancement breast procedures in the Bronx.
You can rest assured that he will take the time to understand your individual needs and offer a variety of breast procedures to help you achieve your goals.
Based on his expertise, condition of the breast, skin tone and elasticity, and patient lifestyle, Dr. Goldstein may suggest one or a combination of breast procedures at Bronx Plastic Surgery, all of which can be performed simultaneously. Your plan may include the following breast procedures:
Breast Surgery Recovery
This cosmetic surgery is performed as an outpatient breast procedure in the Bronx, allowing our patients to return home the day of their surgery. Within the first week after your breast procedure you should be able to return to most of your normal daily activities. Patients are able to add in exercise and other more challenging activities about 2 to 3 weeks following a breast procedure in the Bronx.
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