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Ear surgery is a viable option for many patients, though many of them are unaware it exists until they learn more information from their doctor. For both men and women, ear surgery can provide much-needed cosmetic correction and increased self-confidence to those bothered by the size, shape or prominence of their ears or earlobes.

What Is Cosmetic Ear Surgery?

If you feel your ears are too big or your earlobes protrude too much, you may be a candidate for discussing ear surgery with your board-certified physician. Many may think that the size, shape, or prominence of their ears has little effect on their overall appearance, but for those who perceive their ears to be flawed in some way, this may have a larger impact on one’s self-image.

If being teased or extremely self-conscious about your ears sounds all too familiar to you, the experts at Bronx Plastic Surgery can help. At Bronx Plastic Surgery, Dr. Goldstein is a seasoned, professional expert in a variety of specialized procedures such as ear surgery. Many patients turn to otoplasty, or ear-pinning surgery, to correct protruding ears or earlobes.

Ear Surgery In the Bronx

At Bronx Plastic Surgery, we believe in providing a fully comprehensive patient experience. We want you to feel absolutely comfortable with not only your initial consultation but also with the care you can expect to receive while recovering from your plastic surgery. We want you to know you do not have to live with feeling embarrassed about your ears any longer.

Our professional, experienced plastic surgeons and dedicated staff are here to provide you with private, confidential care throughout your journey to revamping your looks and reclaiming your self-esteem. Contact us today to find out more about our services.

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